The Parent Volunteer Network



What is The Parent Volunteer Network?
The purpose of The PVN is to support Urban Discovery Schools.
The PVN shall provide this support in the following ways:
  1. Coordinate with the Schools and Foundation for both fundraising and community
  2. Coordinate a network of volunteers to support those events.
  3. Provide information regarding The PVN to parents.
  4. Provide additional support to the Schools and Foundation as needed.
UDA Home-School Compact
Our Home-School Compact outlines the ways and opportunities for our school and families to engage together to best support our students and our community. Our Parent Engagement Plan provides additional information. 
Parent Volunteer Network Executive Board
  • President: Lauren Augustine, parent
  • Secretary: Natalie Mattazaro, parent
News Updates!
Upcoming Parent Volunteer Network Meetings
Thursday, April 11th, 2024: 8:15-9:15 am in the UDA Conference Room 
Thursday, May 2nd, 2024: 8:15-9:15 am in the UDA Conference Room 
Parent Volunteer Network Meeting Agendas
Standard Operating Procedures for the PVN