Frequently Asked Questions
Grade Level
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Elementary (UTK-6th Grade) | 8:00 - 3:00 | 8:00 - 3:00 | 8:00 - 12:30 | 8:00 - 3:00 | 8:00 - 3:00 |
Middle School (7th-8th Grade) | 8:15 - 3:30 | 8:15 - 3:30 | 8:00 - 12:55 | 8:15 - 3:30 | 8:15 - 3:30 |
High School (9th-12th Grade) | 8:30 - 3:40 | 8:30 - 3:40 | 8:30 - 1:00 | 8:30 - 3:40 | 8:30 - 3:40 |
To report an absence, please call the school at 619-788-4668 and press option #2, or email the absence notification to [email protected].
Extended absences are highly discouraged. Classroom experiences with teachers and classmates are extremely valuable; student learning depends heavily on the group experience and on coaching from teachers. When extended absence is unavoidable for families, teacher(s) and administration should be notified of absences of 3 or more days prior to the scheduled leave. Please email the school administration to arrange for approval and submission of an Independent Study Contract. Please notify the staff at least one week in advance.
To excuse a late arrival/early dismissal for a doctor/dentist appointment, please submit the doctor's note to our [email protected].
You can find the school calendar link in the center of our main webpage. All vacations, holidays, and staff-only days will be noted on the calendar.
All prescription/non-prescription medications must registered by an adult in the front office. The parent/guardian must fill out a Medication Authorization Form and an adult must deliver and retrieve all prescription/non-prescription medications. No child may be in possession of any prescription/non-prescription medications at any time.
UDA has a weekly newsletter for registered parents/guardians. You must enroll in SchoolMint to be updated with weekly school newsletters, messages from the administration, school closure notifications, etc. If you have not received any emails from UDA, please reach out to our office team.
You can find the UDA dresscode on the info page of our website. To order uniforms online, go to, where you will find order dates, products/pricing, how to pay, school delivery dates, etc.
*Please note the UDA uniform store is an external vendor; please communicate directly with the vendor for specific questions and deatils.
**If you need assistance obtaining free/reduced uniform shirts, please contact the school office.